In Oppressed Majority (2014), a French short film directed by the French screenwriter and director Eleonore Pourriat has presented the binary matriarchal society where men become the victim of ill treatment, sexual objectification and all of these are actually about women’s sufferings around the world which mocks the saying that “Men and women have equal rights” as it is not the practice or reality; it is just a saying.
This 9 minutes durable movie seems like the vulgar version of Bengali feminist writer Begum Rokeya’s play Sultana’s Dream. Sultana’s Dream gives a funny representation of binary matriarchal world but this French movie is showing the binary world in a fierce way. The way dominating women underestimate men’s intelligence, men take care of babies, female jogger casually teases male, men do hijabs according to the wish of their wives, women verbally assault men in the road, women urinate in the alley, gang of women rape a man as he raises his voice, policewomen rudely questioning male rape victim, women appreciating male bodies, wives call husbands names like “pumpkin”, “kitten”, holding men responsible for being raped because of their exposed dresses, wives attend meetings and are busy to save or take care of husbands- each and everything is on point. The whole patriarchy is mocked in just 9 minutes so skillfully.
Women are casually oppressed by the male majorities and the worst nightmare of male are real daily life experiences to women. The movie is successful to convey the message, no doubt at all.